Animal Care

Doggy Day Care, Kennels, Animal Shelters, Vets and Hospitals

It is well known that dogs have a loud bark.  But did you know that the loudest bark by a dog measured 113.1 dB and was produced by a golden retriever called Charlie (Guinness Book of Records). According to the law, staff exposed to this level of noise will suffer permanent hearing damage in less than 1 minute.

This is especially of concern in dog day care, indoor kennels, animal shelters, veterinary practices, animal hospitals and other animal care facilities.


Animals can be loud and the interior spaces of animal care facilities have hard surfaces on the walls and floors for easy cleaning purposes. This causes noise to echo in the space making the noise louder. Not only is this noise uncomfortable, it is dangerous as high noise levels damage employees hearing and causes Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) which will result in numerous compensation claims from employees past and present.

Doggy Day Care RV Acoustics


RV Acoustics can carry out a Noise at Work Risk Assessment to establish your employees’ daily noise exposure dose and help to implement appropriate noise control measures. This will not only help to protect your staff’s hearing, but you can benefit from reduced staff turnover, reduced staff sickness, increased productivity and limit your liability for compensation claims.

Noise Control

As the noise in animal care facilities is from animals, it is not possible to reduce the noise from its source. In this instance, the best solution is to add sound absorption material on the walls or ceiling.  Once completed, this can have a positive effect on both the staff and animals.

RV Acoustics will complete an on-site acoustic survey to take precise reverberation time measurements of the room(s).  This ensures an accurate starting point which can save unnecessary expense. As RV Acoustics are fully independent, we can recommend acoustic products without bias which best suit your needs and budget.

Good for the Animals

Reducing noise is also good for the animals. It is natural for animals to be afraid of loud noise. Loud noise triggers their nervous systems, and they can become anxious or afraid. This triggers their fight-or-flight response. Dogs may bark at noise or show other signs of anxiety like restlessness, panting, pacing and whining. This may make them reluctant to return.

Failure to Act

Personal Injury Lawyers are now going after companies for compensation for Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) to employee’s past and present. The average compensation award for the mildest form of hearing damage claim is £10,400 and can also result in a large fine from the Health & Safety Executive (HSE).  By law, as an employer, you must assess and identify measures to eliminate or reduce risks from exposure to noise so that you can protect the hearing of your employees. 

Sound Good?

To discuss your requirements and get a quote, please get in touch.